Old Fashioned Mississippi Spiritual Products with a Powerful New Twist!
Sister Angel Rose  I  P.O. Box 678322 Orlando, Florida 32867-8322  I  Phone: 407-283-1780
Holy Blessed Favor (St. Jude) 7-Day Spiritual Candle
Comes Fully Empowered for Success ith Herbs, Roots & Minerals included
There are times when you just need others to FAVOR YOU AND ONLY YOU. Its during these times that our clients utilize this wonderfully powerful candle. St. Jude, the Patron Saint of Lost Causes, is known to assist those that are desperate need of help. If you find yourself in a situation where you require immediate favor, then this candle is believed to be your answer. This candle also is known to assist with issues of court and dealing with the law.

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Psychic Readings with World Renown Psychic
Sister Angel Rose